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Month: March 2023

4 Highly Advanced Civilizations Lived On This Planet Way Before The Human Race

Ernst Muldashev, also known as Rifgatovich, is a well-known surgeon and one of the most renowned persons who believe in the existence of ancient civilizations on Earth prior to the human species.

Muldashev thinks that earlier civilizations, some of which were more evolved than humans, had lived on our planet.

A variety of tales connected to these ancient civilizations, as well as many testimonies from people who have been kidnapped by aliens and the most recent archaeological findings, back up these claims.

Muldashev asserts that the Natives, also known as Asuras, were the first civilization to govern our planet some 10 million years ago.

They were massive creatures, standing over 165 feet tall and living for 10 thousand years. Asuras had advanced to the point that they could communicate with one another through telepathy.

Spaceships from the planet Phaethon would have landed on Earth.

The planet’s second race was the Atlanteans. They were basically Asuras descendants. Atlanteans were much smaller than humans and lacked a skeleton.

In this race, the third eye, which was located between the brows, was a plus.

The Lemurians were the actual architects of the Sphinx.

After the Atlanteans died out, this species appeared, and they were quite similar to humans.

They possessed a full skeleton and could be identified based on their gender. The Lemurians inherited the third eye from Atlantis.

Their average lifespan was 1000 years, and they were 26 feet tall.

Muldashev thinks the Lemurians were also responsible for the construction of Stonehenge.

Borei is the most closely linked ancient race to humans. The aliens were around 13 feet tall.

All that is known about them is that they abandoned Earth in haste 25,000 years ago after a nuclear catastrophe.

Following the departure of the Atlanteans, the Aryans would emerge as a new race.

Aryans would have been our immediate forefathers. The skeleton was complete, but they missed the third eye. They lived 12000 years ago on Earth.


Intact DNA From 7,200-Year-Old Woman Reveals Strange Human Lineage

Archaeologists discovered the bones of a 7,200-year-old female hunter-gatherer in Indonesia who had a “unique human lineage” never found anywhere else in the world, according to a report published this week.

The superbly preserved fossil, which belonged to a girl named Bessé and was found in the fetal position within Leang Panninge, a limestone cave in South Sulawesi, belonged to a girl named Bessé and was buried in the fetus position inside Leang Panninge, a limestone cave in South Sulawesi.

In this Quaternary-era site, the building was uncovered alongside equipment used for hunting and collecting fruits.

The discovery, which was published in the journal Nature, is believed to be the first of its sort in Wallacea, a vast network of islands and atolls located between mainland Asia and Australia.

The researchers refer to Bessé as a “genetic fossil.” Genetic sequencing, according to Brumm, indicated she had a unique ancestral background not shared by anybody living now or anyone known from the distant past.

Bessé’s genetic makeup is almost identical to that of modern Indigenous Australians, as well as those from New Guinea and the Western Pacific islands.

The first ancient human DNA extraction was place in Wallacea.

Regrettably, the story was never completed. In order to understand more, a crew decided to dig further into the cave and collect more items. Bessé’s age was therefore restricted to between 7,200 and 7,300 years. At the same time, the researchers inspected his bones and collected his whole DNA from them.

In a release, lead author Selina Carlhoff of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History remarked, “It was a tremendous undertaking since the bones had been significantly damaged by the tropical climate.” suggesting that the DNA was isolated from the bone of the inner ear

Only a few pre-Neolithic bones have previously been found in South Asia that had successfully transferred DNA. As a consequence, Bessé’s genetic material has two meanings.

This is not just the Toalean society’s first direct genetic signature, but also the first ancient human DNA discovered in Wallacea, the area that encompasses the islands between Borneo and New Guinea.

And the Toaleans’ roots have been revealed as a result of this astounding performance. The DNA of the young lady matched that of Australian Aborigines and present populations of New Guinea and the western Pacific. DNA from Denisovans, Neanderthals’ distant relatives, is included.

This discovery backs up the notion that these hunter-gatherers were related to the 65,000-year-old people who discovered Wallacea. Professor Adam Brumm of Griffith University says, “They were the first dwellers of the Sahul, the supercontinent that developed during the Pleistocene when the worldwide level of the oceans plummeted.”

At the time, the Sahul included Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea, all of which were connected by land bridges. In another speech, he added, “These pioneers undertook ocean voyages over the Wallacea to reach the Sahul, but nothing is known about their journeys.”

An unexpected signature from an ancestor.

In contrast, Bessé’s DNA showed an unexpected ancestral signal, suggesting a connection to an Asian tribe.

Experts are only aware of one contemporary human migration from eastern Asia to Wallacea, which took place 3,500 years ago, much after the young woman’s time.

The research found no relationship between Bessé’s ancestors and current Sulawesi people, who are mostly descended from Neolithic farmers who arrived three millennia ago.

As a result, the hunter-gatherer would display a human line that had never been seen before and looks to have perished 1,500 years ago.

“Bessé’s ancestors did not mingle with those of Australian Aborigines and Papuans,” Prof. Brumm and colleagues wrote in an article published on The Conversation website, “suggesting that they would have arrived in the area after the initial Sahul settlement – but far before Austronesian expansion.”

This extinct civilisation seems to have had very little interaction with other ancient societies in Sulawesi and the nearby islands, surviving for millennia in isolation. There are additional findings that raise new questions about the Toaleans and their origins.

Fresh DNA studies among the residents of the Indonesian island are expected to contribute in the identification of proof of these hunter-gatherers’ genetic origin, according to scientists. They also want to dig further caves inside the Leang Panninge cave.

Prof. Brumm commented, “Bessé’s discovery and the repercussions of his genetic origins highlight our inadequate grasp of our region’s early human history and the amount of things that need to be discovered.”


We Found Evidence That Ancient Humans Understood Astronomy 40,000 Years Ago

According to researchers, ancient people were aware of sophisticated astronomical occurrences such as planetary displacements and comet attacks.

According to a study conducted by researchers at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom, mankind has been keeping track of time using knowledge of the slowly shifting locations of stars since at least 40,000 years ago.

In a recently released report, a group of academics from the University of Edinburgh determined that ancient people knew complicated astronomy. (Image courtesy of Twitter/@EdinburghUni)

Researchers have discovered evidence in cave paintings around Europe that ancient people were aware of complicated astronomy without the need for modern equipment.

According to the research, artworks uncovered in diverse areas around Europe do not just portray nature, as was previously assumed.

These paintings are thought to be symbolic depictions of constellations in the night sky, according to researchers. In ancient times, these symbols were employed to designate dates and commemorate occurrences such as comet impacts.

The findings were published in the Athens Journal of History, and if confirmed by the scientific community, they will aid in the study of current astronomy for millennia. The ancients, it turns out, were aware of the idea of planetary displacement.

The cave paintings of Lascaux: 17,000 years ago, the painters of Lascaux presented the world with an unrivaled piece of art. Some of the drawings, however, might be depictions of stars seen in the sky by our forefathers during the Magdalenian period, according to a new idea. Such a notion, which has been proven in a number of other Paleolithic caves, fundamentally alters our understanding of archaic rock art.

It demonstrates that the ancients recognized the impact of the Earth’s axis of rotation gradually shifting. The discovery of this phenomenon, known as the precession of the equinox, was traditionally credited to the ancient Greeks, who lived roughly 2,500 years ago.

In contemporary times, technological advancements have broadened our awareness of space. (Photo courtesy of Reuters)

The researchers deduced two significant events from the cave drawings. They explained that prior interpretations of the artwork at Turkey’s Gobekli Tepe, which interpreted it as a souvenir, were erroneous.

The Gobekli Tepe artwork, according to legend, depicts a cataclysmic comet bombardment of approximately 11,000 BC. This is significant because the comet’s impact is supposed to have triggered the Younger Dryas, a minor ice age.

Researchers go into further detail about the ancient artwork known as the Lascaux Landscape, which was discovered in France. A dying man and various animals are shown in the pictures. This might be a sign of another comet strike approximately 15,200 BC, according to research.

“Early cave art demonstrates that individuals had a sophisticated understanding of the night sky during the previous ice age. “They were barely any different from us now intellectually,” said research leader Martin Sweatman of the University of Edinburgh.

“These data support a premise of several comet impacts throughout the history of human development,” Sweatman said, “and will almost certainly revolutionize how ancient populations are seen.”

A gigantic black hole billions of times the mass of the sun is seen in a NASA picture published in 2013. (Photo courtesy of Reuters)

The researchers validated these conclusions by comparing the dates of several instances of cave art (as determined by chemical dating of the paints used) to the positions of the cave’s stars in antiquity, as projected by sophisticated algorithms.

Hohlenstein-Stadel Cave’s Lion-Man.

The Lion-Man of the Hohlenstein-Stadel Cave, the world’s oldest sculpture, was discovered to suit this ancient timekeeping method as well.

The strange sculpture is said to memorialize the disastrous impact of an asteroid approximately 11,000 years ago, which kicked off the so-called Younger Dryas Event, a period of abrupt global cooling.

The oldest temple on the planet. Various animal artworks may also be found at this prehistoric site, with the Vulture Stone (down-right) being one of the most notable.

“The date etched in the “Vulture Stone of Göbekli Tepe is interpreted as 10,950 BC, within 250 years,” the study’s researchers noted.

“The precession of the equinoxes is used to write this date, with animal symbols signifying celestial constellations.” According to the four solstices and equinoxes of this year.”


Biogeometry & “Measurement”

Our present way of thinking has produced a split in our worldview. We consider only what is objective, measurable, repeatable, and quantifiable as scientific.

The Strange Ancient Sumeria – The Anunnaki Alien Gods And The Origin Of Reptilian Beings

The Anunnaki are the most mysterious beings in human history, to say the least. We don’t know much about them; we know they lived before us and reigned over us, but that’s about all we know about them.

Many researchers think they are descendants of the ancient Reptilian rulers that still reign over humans today.

They believe the Anunnaki forbade the Sumerians from expressing their real selves, insisting on only being shown with human faces rather than their genuine Reptilian features.

As seen by the things mentioned below, we have plenty of evidence to support this argument.

The Anunnaki are often seen carrying a pine cone-like item in sculptures or depictions. This is said to symbolize the pineal gland, which was accessed via a genetic alteration to release our true potential.

They may also be seen with a strange jar in their hands, which is said to carry the “Water of Life.”

The Anunnaki SIR bracelet is named from the ancient Babylonian word Anunnaki, which means “dragon” or “giant serpent.”

This might suggest that they were ancient serpent gods descending from the past, according to experts.

Last but not least, there’s this feminine Mother Goddess statue that was just discovered.

She and the infant are both reptilian and are described as Anunnaki.


Ancient Civilizations And The Healing Power Of Music: How Beneficial Can It Really Be?

Many people may be hesitant when they hear about the numerous healing and therapeutic advantages that music can provide, but extensive study has proven that ancient civilizations were onto something major.

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